I'm interested in pricing for? IV + Acupuncture | Health Acupuncture | IV Drip Therapy | Vitamin Shots
Why IV Therapy and Acupuncture? On it’s own Nutritional IV Therapy is a safe, powerful, and potent therapy tool to help the body heal, hydrate and regenerate. Nutritional IV therapy also supports increased immunity, rehydration, and overall health and wellness. Acupuncture on its own increases blood flow, and oxygen and nutrients are directed to specific acupuncture points to help reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. When combining Acupuncture with Nutritional IV Therapy, the blood is immediately enriched and aiding the body’s ability to deliver pure vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for the most systemic effect.
What is Health Acupuncture? A time-tested practice backed by more than 2,100 years, health acupuncture utilizes tiny needles to access distinct points on the body to restore balance, alleviate pain, stress and anxiety, enhance sleep, treat disease and improve overall well-being. Health acupuncture treats the whole person. Modern Acupuncture offers monthly acupuncture memberships. Membership has its benefits and our members will leave each session feeling reinvigorated, calm and balanced.
What is Nutritional IV Drip Therapy? Nutritional IV Therapy supports nutritional needs and fast-tracks you to a state of optimal health. Nutritional IVs are customized with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. Over the course of about 45 minutes, the nutrients are given intravenously (‘in the vein’), flooding the cellular environment and ensuring higher absorption than through the digestive tract when taking them orally. The saline bag the vitamins are mixed into is formulated for optimal hydration and balanced to hydrate without diluting essential electrolytes in the blood.
What are the benefits of Vitamin Shots? Vitamins taken orally must be digested before benefiting your body, but a significant portion of the pill’s nutrients is lost during the digestive process. This may result in consuming much more than the recommended daily intake to see results.